Get the Facts on Document Shredding for Businesses

document shreddingBusinesses have a lot on their plates. From product improvements to customer service, busy companies often overlook basic, office needs. Paper shredding tends to be at the bottom of the priority list, but it must be pulled into the spotlight. Too much data remains on official papers that can be quickly compromised in any industry. It’s time to get the facts on document shredding so that you can protect the company and clients every day of the week.

Companies Must Retain Records For a Certain Time Period

A fact that’s the main reason for paper shredding in the business world is record keeping. For most Dallas companies, saving records for about 7 years is the norm. These records include employee, vendor, and client data. With several years of information piling up in the office, this volume must be dealt with in an efficient manner when it’s time to discard it.

Document shredding professionals make short work of these piles so that you can free up space for current files. Neglecting to hold the information during the required time period will inevitably damage the company if an issue arises.

Data Theft Continues to Grow Across the Nation

Some businesses are stubborn about their shredding habits. They simply toss the information. Staff members might tear up the papers by hand in some cases. Thefts regarding data or information are always on the rise. Businesses must be aware that the smallest piece of data, such as a partial account number, leads to major troubles. Shredding with the professionals takes one more worry off the minds of the executives. Dealing with any form of identity theft can cost a lot more than just paying for a regular, shredding service.

Don’t Waste Time Removing Fasteners

A myth that’s often a deterrent in the shredding business is the fastener question. Companies don’t have the manpower to dedicate to paperwork processing, such as pulling staples and removing paper clips. Today’s shredding machines have no problems with these fasteners. Leave them in your paperwork. As the shredding process moves ahead, the metal pieces become part of the deconstructed pile. There’s no need to dedicate any staff members to the shredding pile. One person simply shows the shredding professional to the necessary pile. Your work is done at that point.

Improve Your Staff’s Productivity

The reality of professional document destruction means that your staff can have more freedom during the workday. No one has confusion over where or when paperwork must be piled or discarded. They’ll have specific files to move paperwork into as they go about their day. The shredders deal with the destruction aspect. Give your staff the peace of mind that they deserve with regular shredding that only improves their customer-service relationships. Each employee can confidently say that each client’s data is safe from here on out.

Document Shredding Evolves into Recycling

Shredding your old documents in-house only leads to more volume in the trash cans. Your business contributes to the environment regardless of which industry you serve. Improve your relationship with the surrounding neighborhood by shredding with professionals who recycle the items. Local landfills remain open to regular trash as your business creates a better world with recycled goods. No new trees must be cut down with recycled goods available for manufacturing.

You have several choices in Dallas when it comes to paper shredding professionals, including the individuals at Marshall Shredding. Contact a handful of companies to interview before settling on one entity. Experienced, document shredding professionals offer you certified results from each recycling session. Your information will always be protected with the right company by your side.

For more information about document shredding in the Dallas, TX area visit