How Paper Shredding Can Change Your Life with Marshall Shredding

How Paper Shredding Can Change Your Life.

Identity theft is a real risk in today’s high-tech world. With one social security number, a thief can quickly run through a person’s assets before they realize the breach. Although some people have personal shredding machines at home, businesses are more likely to just throw critical documents in a recycling bin or trash can. Paper…

Behind the scenes of hard drive shredding

Need to Dispose of Your Old Hard Drive? Mobile Shredding Can Take Care of That.

Identity theft is a major issue for both individuals and businesses, and San Antonio is no exception. In this case, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” becomes a catalyst for criminals sifting through not only paperwork tossed aside, but also computer information such as that found on your hard drive. If you need to…

Document Shredding for Safe Business

Document Shredding: A Key Component in Safe Business Practices

Although many companies are trying to conform to a paperless office concept, printing out documents will always be necessary in the business world. Companies spend thousands of dollars on file cabinets just to house the information, for example. At some point, it must be purged to move new documents into storage. Document shredding is one…