the best practices of a trustworthy paper shredding company

4 Best Practices of a Trustworthy Paper Shredding Company

Identity theft occurs every few seconds in today’s digital world, affecting both businesses and individuals. In fact, just a small piece of information can give thieves enough leverage to drain bank accounts and set up fraudulent credit cards. Document shredding is one of the best ways to combat identity theft on any level. However, businesses…

hard drive shredding

Hard Drive Shredding Mistakes

Businesses may be familiar with document shredding and its importance to identity protection, but more San Antonio companies and residents rely on computers rather than paper alone. Countless hard drives, memory chips and other storage devices are filled, accessed and disposed of each day. Even a slightly damaged hard drive, however, can be accessed by…

Document Shredding for Safe Business

Document Shredding: A Key Component in Safe Business Practices

Although many companies are trying to conform to a paperless office concept, printing out documents will always be necessary in the business world. Companies spend thousands of dollars on file cabinets just to house the information, for example. At some point, it must be purged to move new documents into storage. Document shredding is one…