Shredding services in Texas and the Southeast US

5 Facts About Mobile Shredding Services

Heading over to the office shredder is a daily run for many clerical workers. However, your paperwork isn’t necessarily safe with these shredders. Anyone can read those long, paper strips. Working with dedicated shredders is the key to a secure workplace. Learn about the top five things that you may have never known about mobile shredding services.

1. Cross-Cut and Confetti Shredding is the Norm

Many of today’s budget-friendly shredders found in business offices are strip styles. Send the paper through, and it emerges in long strips. This form of shredding isn’t secure enough by today’s standards, however. Savvy thieves can easily piece together these shreds.

When you work with a secure shredding service, the paperwork goes through cross-cut blades. The result is paperwork comes out in confetti form that’s impossible to piece together. Mobile services only work with these types of shredders because of the liability surrounding strip type machines. You have an expert shredding team if they work exclusively with cross-cut blades.

2. Certification of Destruction Handed Out After Every Service

One of the major perks of mobile shredding services is the fact that business associates don’t have to watch every moment of the process. They know that the service has been completed because the shredding experts hand out a certificate of destruction after every appointment.

You know exactly what has been shredded and where the waste will be recycled. Data compromise isn’t possible at this point. If there’s ever an issue with data security, you know the shredding period wasn’t part of the timeline. Follow other leads to verify any breaches.

3. Reputable Mobile Shredding Services are Insured in the Millions of Dollars

Secure shredding has its risk in any industry. To protect every party, reputable companies that shred carry insurance. These policies often number in the millions of dollars. You’re always protected if there’s an issue with any document.

Be wary if your chosen shredders don’t carry any insurance. This practice is risky for both you and the shredders. Although mistakes are extremely rare, that coverage is priceless when problems do arise. Ask for a copy of the policy when you’re vetting any companies. You have a right to know how far a shredder will protect their processes.

4. Locked Containers Available Through the Shredding Company

A dilemma that often arises with potential shredding customers is the storage question before the service. Experienced shredders typically offer locked containers to their customers. These simple yet sturdy containers give your employees a place to safely hold any discarded paperwork. They’re only opened when the shredders arrive.

These containers give you peace of mind when it comes to security between appointments. Add several containers to your facility if it’s large enough to support such paper volumes. Your shredding service takes care of the container otherwise.

5. Your Waste Turns into Recycled Paper

Those shredded documents don’t end up in a landfill after the service. Your company can partner with an environmentally conscious shredder when they select a service with recycling as the result.

Your discarded paperwork ends up at the shredder’s recycling plant where it’s almost immediately turned into pulp. Professionals turn the pulp into recycled paper and other items that benefit the environment. Your paperwork is ultimately destroyed while helping the world with a sustainable product.

Marshall Shredding offers secure shredding at your property’s location. Scheduling a regular visit with mobile shredding services protects your clients and employees. Take that shredding task out of your workday to-do list right now. The professionals make short work of those documents while you move onto more important endeavors.

For more information about mobile shredding services and how this process can keep your company safe from security breaches, visit